Our Carpe Diem

Our Carpe Diem: Because Life is Too Short Not To

Welcome to Our Carpe Diem, a blog about life, the universe and everything. We mostly write about travel, money (to be able to travel more), travel hacking (so that you can afford travel) and multiple sclerosis. Grab a cup of tea and jump right in!

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Travel The World With Us

Rocking Life With Multiple Sclerosis

Birding Around The World

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The Gray Whales of Magdalena Bay

Explore UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Have you been to any UNESCO World Heritage Sites? So many interesting places all over the world. I am slowly catching up on the ones we have visited. Click on the link next to the picture to see our posts so far.

Full Size Liberty Bell Replicas

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Because every one needs a hobby. We love learning more about history.

Flaming Coffee and More in Mexico

How to Win the Shell Game and other Paris Travel Tips

After losing my hard earned money in Paris, I did some research

Thankfully we had a lot of better experiences in Paris too, especially when we found out how to locate affordable Michelin restaurants.

Travel Hacking and Money Management

Find out how to travel for cheap or even free by diving into the travel hacking world.

Everyone Should Visit The Netherlands

Find the right tool to manage your money.


What Does Carpe Diem Mean?

Carpe Diem literary means to “Seize the Day”, take every opportunity, life is short. For us it signifies taking each day as an adventure, travel far and wide and live our best life.

We globetrot and check out lots of destinations, so that we can share travel ideas and experiences with you.

With respect to my multiple scleroses: to me it means persistence and determination; living my best life, even if at first it felt as if my body betrayed me; and lastly staying fit and getting stronger, even with MS.

The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.

Alice Morse Earle