When we visited Seattle for the first time, we knew we wanted to visit the Space Needle. Little did we know we would end up bungee-jumping OFF the Space needle! And that it would be much easier than any of my MS-challenges so far! Find out what happened!

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Really? You bungee-jumped off the Space Needle?
Surprisingly to us, it turns out that indeed you can VR bungee-jump off the Space Needle with the purchase of a ticket! VR as in Virtual Reality. Yeah, I hear what you are saying “That doesn’t sound REAL!”
Actually, it was a lot more real than I expected, my stomach and brain both were totally fooled. Jump vicariously with me. And then go do it yourself, you too can do it!

My Bungee-Jumping Experience
At the onset, you sit on a rotating chair and get a helmet with VR glasses. While the lobby around you vanishes, you take the elevator up the Space Needle.
Suddenly a bird flies by, you notice a plane taking of in the distance, and you go higher and higher. It is remarkably real. My breath stopped for a moment when I was standing at the top of the needle, looking around and hearing the count down to the bungee-jump. Wondering whether this really was such a great idea??
Five, four, three, four, one AND… Feeling your stomach tighten, you continue to question the wisdom of your choices, but too late to turn back now.
At ZERO, there you go! Incredibly, you can feel yourself falling and bouncing up and down. The bounces get less and less until you take off the helmet and non-virtual reality returns.
In hindsight, I would have wanted to look around a bit more before bungee-jumping, but here I was at the mercy of the computer programmer. Still, it was an amazingly well-done 360-degree experience! We can recommend doing it. Not to mention it is FREE with your Space Needle ticket. Since I am Dutch, I always go for the freebies.
The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.
Alice Morse Earle

More about the Space Needle
In 1962, the World Fair was in Seattle and they built the Space Needle. Because the theme was “The Age of Space”, the needle symbolized our space aspirations. Reaching out toward space, it stands 605 feet tall. Pretty high when you plan to bungee-jump!
The saucer shaped top floor offers a 360-degree view over Seattle, Mount Rainier, Puget Sound and the mountains. Standing at the top is truly breath taking. They recently remodeled and now are home to the world’s only glass-rotating floor.

We enjoyed being on the top level observation deck for quite a while while taking in the views. Trying to find the Hilton where we stayed (for free, using Hilton Honor points). Taking in the grandeur of Puget Sound. Enjoying the giant spiders on the roof of a nearby building.

After a while, we went down to the rotating glass floor level. Yes, you walk on glass at 600 feet high. It was a unique experience for sure. Some people were not too sure about his walking on glass thing, but it seemed solid enough.
It was interesting to see how differently people reacted to the floor. Some people stepped onto it, seemingly not giving it a second thought, just enjoying the experience of walking in the air. Others were more hesitant or totally refused to step on it, clearly in the throes of their acrophobia. (fear of heights)

Practical Info for Your Bungee-Jumping off the Space Needle
Sharing some tips to have your best experience, including for people living with disabilities.
Take the Historic Mono Rail
To get to the Space Needle, we recommend taking the Mono Rail, a fun, quick, and historic link between Westlake Center and Seattle Center. Admittedly, I knew nothing about this monorail before we got to Seattle.
Turns out that this is another “leftover” from the 1962 World Fair. In 1961, two trains were constructed which are still in service today! No wonder that this is a Historical Landmark. You too can be part of history by riding it! Imagine how futuristic this would have been in 1962.

Find out all details on the Seattle Center Mono Rail web page.
Is The Space Needle Accessible for Disabilities?
Yes, the Space Needle has excellent ADA access! After we bought our tickets, I was happily surprised to find out that I wouldn’t have to walk up the spiraling ramp. With my multiple sclerosis that would be more walking than I could easily have managed.
Instead, we got a “Courtesy Guest” sticker which enabled us to use the elevator instead of stairs. Somehow “courtesy guest” sounds so much better than disabled. Throughout our visit, every attendant was courteous and helpful.
Conclusion Bungee-Jumping off the Space Needle
Although we had an amazing time bungee-jumping off the space needle, it was even more exhilarating to visit the top levels. After our Space Needle experience we visited the Chihuly exposition which was just as cool in a different way. Have you visited the Space Needle? What was your experience? Did you take the Mono Rail? Let me know in the comments!
A Few More Fun Ideas
- Consider visiting the Full Size Liberty Bell Replica in Tacoma;
- Check out the historic Washington State Capitol in Olympia;
- Take an Alaska Cruise and see glaciers before they disappear!
- Or simply take a ferry to Victoria BC and spend a few days there.
Pin Bungee-Jumping off the Space Needle

43 responses to “The Ultimate Guide to Bungee-Jumping Off The Space Needle!”
I could never do that jump haha so scary!
Brianna | https://briannamarielifestyle.com
It was less scary than I expected, but still could feel my stomach drop and my mind go “Nooooo! What are you doing?!?!”
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
This sounds awesome! Your title definitely got me haha! Will have to add the Space Needle as a must see to my list if I’m in Seattle.
Yeah, I couldn’t resist the title 😀 I soooo enjoyed doing this, it was both amazingly real and happily virtual.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
You really experience your trips and thank you for sharing!! My sister visited Seattle when my niece lived there and loved the city. I’ve never been but it is on my bucket list!!
Thank you, Sheri! This was my first time in Seattle, and it seemed like the Space Needle was The Thing To Do that everyone recommended. I thought it would ‘just’ by looking out over the city and surroundings, so I was happily surprised that we could do this bungee jumping thing in addition 😀
I love the idea if bungee jumping off the space needle. It sounds amazing. VR makes it more practical. I would love to try that someday.
I would never ever do real bungee jumping, so I was thrilled I could do it in a virtual way! It felt way more real than I expected!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Virtual Reality wow wow wow! That’s actually the field I’m getting into now (I’m a computer programmer haha) and that’s amazing that there’s a VR Bungee Jumping off the Space Needle with your ticket, a win win situation!
Is the Space Needle the highest point in Seattle? Based on the view, it looks like you can see every part! Wait a second, glass rotating floor? So it moves while you’re standing? That sounds so so cool! It must have been amazing taking photos while you walked on the glass floor.
That’s great that they have an elevator for people to use if they need it, seems like they made sure that everyone would be able to enjoy their time there.
I’ve never visited the Space Needle but now I really want to after reading this post!
Hi Sahara, first I want to say that I always enjoy your long and thoughtful comments, thank you!
Next I think it is really cool you are a computer programmer. I worked as a computer programmer for many years after getting my M.Sc. in Delft, the Netherlands. Eventually ended up at IBM in the USA which I really enjoyed. I am still slightly sad about giving up my career to raise my kids, although at the same time I am very happy about the time I got to spend with my kids. Life is never black and white I guess 😀 Yeah, I am rambling, just wanted to share my computer programmer past ^^
And the space needle indeed is the highest point in Seattle and you definitely should go and visit it when you can. It’s super cool!
I could definitely never do a real bungee jump but I’m not sure I could even manage a VR one. Sounds incredible though!
I agree with never doing a real bungee jump, but I think you will manage the virtual one just fine. The nice thing is that if you get scared, you can just take off the helmet and Voila! back into non-jumping reality 😀
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Your blog makes me soul smile. I love your life and love that this is an option! I would love to try this one day.
Thank you, Batmom! I can totally recommend doing this, especially since then you can tell your friends you bungee jumped off the space needle and watch the surprise on their faces 😀
I usually wait a few seconds before I tell about the Virtual Reality part of it ^^
Sounds like an interesting experience! I never tried anything VR related but I’m sure it’s something that needs to experienced, great post!
Thank you, WanderlustBeautyDreams! Yes, if you ever get the opportunity, go for it. It was amazingly real. I could literally feel myself bounce up and down.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
This sounds absolutely fabulous! Somewhere that I’d love to visit!
I hope you get to visit some day and do your own bungee jumping off the space needle, Jo! It is an awesome experience.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Wow, Bunjee jumping is in my list too. The experience sounds worth taking the way you have described in the post. Keep Adventuring 😊
Thank you, Vansh! I don’t think I could ever do a real bungee jump, but I was totally happy and amazed to do this Virtual Reality bungee jump.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Sounds like you had a great time! We visited Sky tower in Auckland and they had an actual sky jump. We were happy keeping both of our feet on the ground! LOL Virtual would have been fun though.
Yeah, there is NO way I could do a real bungee jump. I have seen them in various places and I always go “Hmmm… No thank you.”
But the virtual bungee jump of the Space Needle was both fabulous, fun, AND I kept my feet on the ground the whole time 😀
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
What a fascinating way to experience something new!! We would love to try Virtual Reality Bungee Jumping one day! Thanks for sharing a great blog with us!
I loved it! I hope you will get to experience this awesome REAL feeling of the VR bungee jumping! I bet there are other places where they do it too.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
This sound like so much. Didn’t know you could do this. One to add to the bucket list!😜
Thank you, Connie! I hope you get to experiment it after we get out of this Covid-19 pandemic!
I Love your post
You really experience your trips and thank you for sharing!!
Xoxo S 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Thank you, Stephanie! I love sharing my travel experiences with people, especially during this time of Covid-19 when we all are stuck at home and have to live vicariously via the internet 😀
Hi, I LIke yourpost ❤️
You really experience your trips and thank you for sharing!!!
Xoxo S
What an amazing read! I could only imagine going to the space needle! one day, one day lol
Thank you, Friske Chick! I hope you will be able to get to the Space Needle and get to bungee-jump after the pandemic is over.
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My palms were sweating just reading this post! Wow what a place – you’re incredibly brave – I can’t even stand on a step ladder without getting dizzy! 🙂
Such a neat idea! I love this! I didn’t know you could do this. In the 60’s I think it would have been super cutting edge. The sticker is fab and a great way of doing it! Glad you had a good time!
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[…] year, we went bungee jumping off the Space Needle in […]
I could never do the jump personally, but I’ve been to the space needle. It’s a cool place to visit!
What an amazing experience.
I have often asked myself whether I could actually do a bungee jump and I don’t think I ever could.
I do like the idea of a zip wire though…
Olivia | http://www.heylittletulip.wordpress.com
Frankly, I don’t think I could do a real life bungee jump either, so… welcome to the club! This VR bungee jump was perfect for me. 😀
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