Karen hiking Diamond Head

About Me

A Dutch MS-warrior Bird Nerd

What can I tell you all about me? My life motto is Carpe Diem, seize the day. I am a Dutch woman, living in the US, after accepting a job with IBM here many years ago. The plan was to live here for a few years and then get back to civilization. That was in 1994 and I clearly never managed to do that.

American avocet wading. We love to watch birds.
American Avocet

Do More, Own Less

The older I get, the more I realize that I treasure experiences and travel way more than I treasure possessions. I am slowly trying to declutter my home to a minimalist environment. While living a life to its fullest, close to nature, family and friends. I used to blog a lot about my family at Our Deer Baby and about my go obsession at Because It’s There! .

Bald eagle drying her wings on a tree branch

That stopped when life happened and I got addicted to discovered Facebook. Therefore I stopped blogging. In my opinion, Facebook is nice for pictures and keeping up with family and friends, but not as good for longer stories and observations. So here I am, back to blogging. Carpe Diem!

Traveling The World (With MS)

Travel Hacking For The Win

Since I am Dutch, I always try to find the best and cheapest deals for our travel.

Travel During The Pandemic: Carpe Diem Close to Home

When I started this blog, we could travel the world and Covid-19 didn’t exist yet. Let’s just say that that isn’t the case anymore. Here is how we adjusted our travel to the new reality.

Vermont state house with flowers blooming in foreground

Birding Travel

Maybe I should mention that my friends call me a bird nerd…

Whale Watching

Never saw a whale on my first three whale watching, but I totally made up for that on later ones.

Geeky Bucket List Travel

Because everyone needs a weird hobby and a reason to check out new travel destinations! Yup, we are trying to visit all the US state capitols and state houses. Of course, it means we learn all kind of cool facts, here is what we have done so far:

Large Family: Never Boring

My first marriage didn’t work out husband wise, but it gave me many wonderful children. For a few years I was a single mom. Luckily, I met the man of my dreams to whom I have been happily married to for five years now. We have eight children, two grandchildren and a large extended family in America and Europe. Lots of opportunities to Carpe Diem with them all!

We love to travel, love visiting friends and family, love birding and photography and I will try to make money by writing and blogging, sharing my journey with you all. This blog is a work in progress and I am excited about starting it and being back to sharing my observations with the world.

Find out how we survived 2020: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Multiple Sclerosis

I was diagnosed with MS on Halloween 2017 and I am sharing my experiences with the world. Multiple sclerosis doesn’t mean your life is over. It just means you have to figure out which adaptations will work for you!

About me: Living just fine with multiple sclerosis. Hiking in the woods, using my hiking poles.
The author hiking Mount Cardigan

Life with MS