Category: Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem literary means to “Seize the Day”. Live each day to its fullest, adventures await. Every day is special! Life is too short not to enjoy every single moment. Celebrate life, the universe and everything!


Who knows better how to carpe diem than our friends the birds? To quote Matthew from the bible

Look at the birds in the sky! They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them.

Go check out our birding fun. So many people have started birding during this pandemic, because it is great for social distancing.


No need to explain why snorkeling is great for social distancing also. Since I hate snow, it totally is my favorite winter sport. I have written about snorkeling in Sian Ka’an, Mexico and on Oahu. Carpe Diem!

  • Winter Hiking with MS: Why It’s Worth It and How to Do It Safely

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    Winter Hiking for Spoonies Even if you have #multiplesclerosis or have another #ChronicIllness, you can still hike during the winter. A long-time #MSWarrior shares her best tips for winter hiking and all the reasons why you should go out in the winter. Don’t get stuck in your home while there is a huge world out…

    Winter Hiking for Spoonies Even if you have #multiplesclerosis or have another #ChronicIllness, you can still hike during the winter. A long-time #MSWarrior shares her best tips for winter hiking and all the reasons why you should go out in the winter. Don’t get stuck in your home while there is a huge world out there to explore, even with snow and ice. Learn the right precautions to take and how to rock hiking as a #Spoonie. #OurCarpeDiem #WinterHiking
  • The Ultimate Guide to Unforgettable Autumn Adventures!


    Five Fun Fall Activities for Families What do you like to do in fall? These activities are great for everyone, with or without kids. Because I homeschooled seven kids, there always was tons of time to enjoy fall, so I share our five favorite fall things-to-do Apple picking, pumpkin carving and more. Go check it…

    Five Fun Fall Activities for Families What do you like to do in fall? These activities are great for everyone, with or without kids. Because I homeschooled seven kids, there always was tons of time to enjoy fall, so I share our five favorite #fall #thingstodo Apple picking, pumpkin carving and more. Go check it out. Grab your family and enjoy autumn, build memories. Find out our favorite fall #DrSeuss book! #OurCarpeDiem #NewEngland #outdoors
  • Invasive Nuisances! The Best Beginner’s Guide to Birds of Hawai’i

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    All you need to know about the birds you see in Hawai’i. Why are there so many invasive species? Which common birds are native to Hawai’i?

    Did you know that most of the common birds in Hawai’i are introduced by humans and now are invasive pests. Sure, they might look fabulous and colorful. Yes, they have melodious bird songs. But their main activity is killing off the native Hawaiian birds by competing for food and living space. Find out the sordid details and discover the native birds that hung on for dear life and can be easily observed! #Hawaii #birding #OurCarpeDiem #InvasiveSpecies-
  • Getting Strong: Exercises for MS


    Getting Strong: Exercises for MS Find the best exercises to do if you are living with MS or are a spoonie with another chronic illness. #multiplesclerosis should not keep you from exercising, in fact it should encourage you to exercise. Safety precautions and an overview of how to get strong, even with #MS or for…

  • MS, MRI and Claustrophobia: How to Rock It!


    MS, MRIs and Claustrophobia Top tips how to cope with an MRI when you have claustrophobia. How to deal with an MRI scan if you suffer from anxiety. An MS warrior shares her experience and ways to beat the claustrophobia monster to get your brain scan. Of course, these tips work for other spoonies too!…

    MS, MRIs and Claustrophobia Top tips how to cope with an MRI when you have claustrophobia. How to deal with an MRI scan if you suffer from anxiety. An MS warrior shares her experience and ways to beat the claustrophobia monster to get your brain scan. Of course, these tips work for other spoonies too! Click and read. You will rock your next MRI! #MS #MultipleSclerosis #MRI #MSwarrior #MSawareness #LifeWithMS #anxiety #MSstrong #claustrophobia #brainhealth #spoonies #brainscan
  • Get Ready for Earth Day 2024: Watch Eagles!


    Watching our eagles Eleanor and Edward inspired us to do trash pick up for Earth Day. Find out how YOU can improve your community and the Earth. Every day!

    Did you know that eagles come back to the same nest year after year? Enjoy stunning photographs of our New Hampshire eagles and find tips for Earth Day activities for birders and anyone else. The truth about eagle watching and how boring it can be. Until it isn’t. Celebrage Earth Day and let eagles motivate you to pick up trash, plogging, think globally, act locally. Make your world a better place. #OurCarpeDiem #EarthDay #travel #NewHampshire #birding #eagles #plogging
  • LivingWithMS: How To Make Your Copaxone Shots An Effective Experience


    Sharing my experience with Copaxone shots, after nine months of using them. This was written one day before my I gave myself my last shot. This article will empower you with the knowledge you need to seize each day and live life to the fullest, even with Copaxone. Let’s dive in! Republished and rewritten for…

    A long-time MS-warrior shares her experience with Copaxone shots. If you are worried about these shots, check out this article. It also covers why I stopped using #Copaxone for my multiple sclerosis and started using Gilenya. | Disease Modifying Medication | self-inject | afraid of needles | #MSwarrior #MSstrong #OurCarpeDiem #MultipleSclerosis #MS #ChronicIllness #LifeWithMS #spoonies
  • Uncover The Secrets Of Snow Geese: All You Need To Know


    Majestic snow geese. What are they, when do they migrate, were can you see them? Do they mingle with Canada geese? What are blue geese? Enjoy our wild goose chase and learn some fun facts about snow geese!

    Snow geese are migratory birds found in the arctic tundra regions of North America. These birds feed mainly on plants like sedges, grasses, grains, etc. They usually travel in flocks of hundreds, and their striking appearance makes them a popular sight among nature enthusiasts. Snow geese have a two-month migration period in the winter to reach warmer regions. The key takeaways from the article are: 1) Snow geese are migratory birds found in North America; 2) They feed on plants and can be found in large flocks; 3) They have two-month migration period in the winter.
  • Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail: Strong Focus On Whales and Epic Views

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    The Makapu’u Lighthouse trail is one of the most popular hikes on Oahu, Hawai’i. What to expect on the hike and find out about the lighthouse. Is the Makapuu lighthouse trail easy or hard? How long is the hike? Can you see whales? What is the best time to see whales? Fresnel lens. National Historic…

    The Makapu’u Lighthouse trail is one of the most popular hikes on Oahu, Hawai’i. How hard is the hike? What is the history of the lighthouse? How long is the trail? Can you really see humpback whales from the shore? The trail has epic views! Find out what a Fresnel lens is. What to expect if you are not as fit as the average bear or suffer from a chronic illness like MS. The #sunset was amazing! #OurCarpeDiem #Hawaii #hiking #multiplesclerosis #chronicillness #spoonie #makapuu
  • The Ultimate Guide to Bungee-Jumping Off The Space Needle!

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    Have you ever considered bungee jumping off the Space Needle!? When you travel to #Seattle, everyone tells you that you should visit the Space Needle. We took it one step further and ended up bungee-jumping off the Space Needle. Even with my multiple sclerosis! Go find out how I did this and put this on…

    Bungee Jumping off the Space Needle Have you ever considered bungee jumping off the Space Needle!? When you travel to #Seattle, everyone will tell you that you should visit the Space Needle. We took it one step further and ended up bungee-jumping off the Space Needle. Even with my multiple sclerosis! Go find out how I did this and put this on your bucketlist. It also talks about the amazing #ADA access to the Space Needle. Go read #OurCarpeDiem #travel #traveltips #MultipleSclerosis #Seattle #VirtualReality #bucketlist