Category: Hiking
We always have enjoyed hiking, there is so much joy in being close to nature and listening to the bird sounds, seeing the views, discovering new places.
Winter Hiking with MS: Why It’s Worth It and How to Do It Safely
Winter Hiking for Spoonies Even if you have #multiplesclerosis or have another #ChronicIllness, you can still hike during the winter. A long-time #MSWarrior shares her best tips for winter hiking and all the reasons why you should go out in the winter. Don’t get stuck in your home while there is a huge world out…
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Catch Fire and Get Lost on the Manoa Falls Trail
The Manoa Falls hike in Ohau is an awesome hike to feel like you are in Jurassic Park and to experience the tropical rain forest. Lots of bird watching too! Even if you don’t make it to the top.
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