Category: Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem literary means to “Seize the Day”. Live each day to its fullest, adventures await. Every day is special! Life is too short not to enjoy every single moment. Celebrate life, the universe and everything!


Who knows better how to carpe diem than our friends the birds? To quote Matthew from the bible

Look at the birds in the sky! They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them.

Go check out our birding fun. So many people have started birding during this pandemic, because it is great for social distancing.


No need to explain why snorkeling is great for social distancing also. Since I hate snow, it totally is my favorite winter sport. I have written about snorkeling in Sian Ka’an, Mexico and on Oahu. Carpe Diem!

  • How to Make the Most out of Your Trip to Isla Contoy!

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    This island close to #Cancun in the #RivieraMaya is a nature lovers paradise. Find out how to get there and what you can expect once you reach #IslaContoy. Stunning pictures and useful information about a day trip and what birds and other creatures you will encounter. Do not miss this #Mexico #NationalPark and #EcoReserve and…

    This island close to #Cancun in the #RivieraMaya is a nature lovers paradise. Find out how to get there and what you can expect once you reach #IslaContoy. Stunning pictures and useful information about a day trip and what birds and other creatures you will encounter. Do not miss this #Mexico #NationalPark and #EcoReserve and spend on day on the water and on this uninhabited island, together with frigate birds and #crocodiles. #OurCarpeDiem #birding #travelguide #snorkeling
  • Travel with Copaxone – Tips & Advice for People with MS

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    Travel With Copaxone Do you live with MS or with another spoonie chronic illness? Do you have multiple sclerosis and want to travel with Copaxone or other meds? A seasoned #MSwarrior shares her top tips for traveling with medication. TSA and needles. Learn from real life experiences visiting many countries and lots of security checks.…

    Travel With Copaxone Do you live with MS or with another spoonie chronic illness? Do you have multiple sclerosis and want to travel with Copaxone or other meds? A seasoned #MSwarrior shares her top tips for traveling with medication. TSA and needles. Learn from real life experiences visiting many countries and lots of security checks. Do not avoid traveling just because you use Copaxone or other meds. Fly free, and seize the day! #spoonies #traveltips #OurCarpeDiem #toptips #MultipleSclerosis
  • How to Start Yoga (for Anyone, even if Living With MS)


    Do not make my mistakes! Start yoga, whether living with MS or if you are a spoonie with another chronic illness. An MS-warrior shares her story and advice.

    Yoga for MS: Start Where You Are! Do not make my mistakes! Start yoga, whether living with #MultipleSclerosis | #MS or if you are a #spoonie with another chronic illness. An MS-warrior shares her story and advice. How to get started. #tips to start doing #yoga. Yoga is a great #exercise for all #spoonies. Join me in my yoga journey. Read how I overcame all the obstacles on my way. Find ideas to get yourself started on yoga, even with MS. #MS-warrior #MSAwareness #OurCarpeDiem
  • Experience the Best Birding in the Everglades!

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    The Everglades is a UNESCO biosphere reserve AND a World Heritage Site. A wonderful destination to go birding when you travel to Florida. Drive through this tropical wilderness and meet new birds. This is one of the top things to do in Florida. Take a cruise on Florida Bay, see alligators up close, and watch…

  • Spectacular Sights at Sian Ka’an: Off the Beaten Path in the Riviera Maya

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    Sian Ka’an is one of the 43 UNESCO biosphere reserves in Mexico. Sian Ka’an also is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Do not miss out on visiting this biosphere when you are in the Riviera Maya! Take a drive through the jungle, see dolphins in the lagoon, go birding in the mangroves, wiggle your toes…

    Visit Sian Ka'an for its palm trees and blue skies
  • The 10 Best Travel Trips For MS Warriors


    Travel With Multiple Sclerosis: Top Tips Real life experiences with MS travel by an #MSwarrior who has been living with #MultipleSclerosis for decades. Spoonies travel. The top travel tips, mistakes to avoid and lessons learned. How to deal with #TSA. How to pack your medication. Can you still travel when you have MS? What to…

    Travel With Multiple Sclerosis: Top 10 Tips After living with MS for decades, I share useful tips and experiences. Updated for the COVID19 pandemic. How to pack your medication? Can you use hiking poles as mobility aids for plane travel? Mistakes to avoid and lessons learned. Everything you need to know about MS and other spoonie travel #spoonies #traveltips #OurCarpeDiem #multiplesclerosis #disabilitytravel
  • Five Years after MS Diagnosis: Then and Now


    A seasoned MS-warrior reflects on the five years since her multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Feeling blue back then, but fine now. How her life changed for the better during these years of living with MS. Getting fit and strong with yoga and hula hooping. Read and enjoy!

    A seasoned MS-warrior reflects on the five years since her multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Feeling blue back then, but fine now. How her life changed for the better during these years of living with MS. Getting fit and strong with yoga and hula hooping. Read and enjoy! #MultipleSclerosis #MS #LifeWithMS #OurCarpeDiem #ThisIsMS
  • Best Birding in Costa Rica: Hungry Heron on the Hunt!

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    Meet the birds of Costa Rica and learn where to find them. The zany zanate and the marvelous Mrs Motmot. Did you know that some birds eat crocodiles? What about these prehistoric looking birds? Do frigate birds STEAL their food instead of doing their own hunting? Have you ever seen a gull on top of…

    Meet the birds of Costa Rica and learn where to find them. The zany zanate and the marvelous Mrs Motmot. Did you know that some birds eat crocodiles? What about these prehistoric looking birds? Do frigate birds STEAL their food instead of doing their own hunting? Have you ever seen a gull on top of a pelican’s head? #OurCarpeDiem #birding #CostaRica #TarcolesRiver #Puntarenas
  • Dive In Now! Enjoy Snorkeling and Dolphins in Oahu

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    Discover the deep blue underworld of Oahu, snorkeling and watching dolphins. Visit age-old coral reefs all from the comforts of the Ocean Joy. Be amazed by spinner #dolphins. Explore the rich variety of colorful fish life. Hold a starfish in your hands! Find out about #snorkeling at Electric Beach.

    Discover the deep blue underworld of Oahu, snorkeling and watching dolphins. Visit age-old coral reefs all from the comforts of the Ocean Joy. Be amazed by spinner #dolphins. Explore the rich variety of colorful fish life. Hold a starfish in your hands! Find out about #snorkeling at Electric Beach on #Oahu. #OurCarpeDiem #NatureCruise #Hawaii #BestThingsToDo
  • Catch Fire and Get Lost on the Manoa Falls Trail

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    The Manoa Falls hike in Ohau is an awesome hike to feel like you are in Jurassic Park and to experience the tropical rain forest. Lots of bird watching too! Even if you don’t make it to the top.

    Manoa Falls is a great hike on Oahu. You might recognise parts of it, since some of the movies “Jurassic Park” and “Catching Fire” were filmed right here in the jungle. The hike was a tad more intense than I could manage with my multiple sclerosis, but there were other things to check out. Get lost with us! #OurCarpeDiem #travel #oahu #Hawaii #hiking #MultipleSclerosis #traveltips #spoonies