Category: Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem literary means to “Seize the Day”. Live each day to its fullest, adventures await. Every day is special! Life is too short not to enjoy every single moment. Celebrate life, the universe and everything!
Who knows better how to carpe diem than our friends the birds? To quote Matthew from the bible
Look at the birds in the sky! They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them.
Go check out our birding fun. So many people have started birding during this pandemic, because it is great for social distancing.
No need to explain why snorkeling is great for social distancing also. Since I hate snow, it totally is my favorite winter sport. I have written about snorkeling in Sian Ka’an, Mexico and on Oahu. Carpe Diem!
Be On Top Of The World! Hike Diamond Head.
Top Tips for hiking Diamond Head Hawaii, both with and without MS. How long does it take? How hard is the hike? What is the best time to visit Diamond Head State Monument? Is the trail ADA accessible?
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The Ultimate Green Gift Giving Guide: Reusables
Top 5 Eco Friendly Gifts: Reusables Since we all want to preserve our planet, here are the best reusable eco friendly gifts for any occasion. Christmas, birthdays, Hanukkah, and “just because”. Some are perfect for stocking stuffers. Gift ideas | Ecofriendly | Skip the straw | No plastic | Save the Earth | Keep our…
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Surfing with MS, Don’t Be Afraid of a Challenge!
Can you still surf after you get diagnosed with MS? A longtime MS warrior tries surfing with MS at Waikiki beach, shortly after her initial diagnosis. Come join her in her journey!
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I Got Featured in Momentum, an MS Magazine!
I got featured in Momentum Magazine, linking to my blog! Meet Karen Lanzetta, an MS-warrior, bird nerd and travel writer. Carpe Diem!
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Covid-19 Antibodies Testing: Our Experience
Covid-19 antibodies testing. An MS-warrior shares their experience with the Covid-19 antibodies test and the test for the active corona-virus. What will their result be? What does it mean for her social distancing?
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Bubonic Biscuits: Don’t Miss Out on a Corona Sourdough Starter
Stay home and start a Covid19 sourdough starter! During this 2020 pandemic, a lot of people find themselves at home, needing to feed more people than usual. That is where sourdough comes in. No yeast needed, but instead use the ancient power of yeast and lactobacilli. Our #Stayhome story interspersed with bird pictures and good…
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LoveYourBrain Yoga for MS
LoveYourBrain Yoga for MS An exciting new pilot study on using LoveYourBrain yoga for Multiple Sclerosis | MS. Find out more about this study and how a snowboarding accident led to free yoga and meditation classes for Traumatic Brain Injury | TBI survivors. Watch the Crash Reel documentary about Kevin Pearce and find out how…
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How to Stop Buying Stuff
Are you overwhelmed with Stuff? Do you want to declutter, but it just isn’t working? Read how you can Stop Buying Stuff and live a happpier life!
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My MS Challenge Got Featured!
Find the adventure and challenges in your life. I am living with multiple sclerosis and my MS challenge got featured on an award winning web site. There are many activities you can do even with Multiple Sclerosis . Live your life with MS as an adventure, challenge yourself in small and big ways. Click and…
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The Sunshine Blogger Award
I am excited about winning my very first Sunshine Blogger Award for this blog! Dorothyadele from The Places She Goes nominated me for this prestigious and positive energy award. She really liked my post about The Surprising #1 Predator of Crocodiles. The Sunshine Blogger Award Thank you, Dorothyadele! Dorothyadele has helped me a lot growing…
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