Category: Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem literary means to “Seize the Day”. Live each day to its fullest, adventures await. Every day is special! Life is too short not to enjoy every single moment. Celebrate life, the universe and everything!


Who knows better how to carpe diem than our friends the birds? To quote Matthew from the bible

Look at the birds in the sky! They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them.

Go check out our birding fun. So many people have started birding during this pandemic, because it is great for social distancing.


No need to explain why snorkeling is great for social distancing also. Since I hate snow, it totally is my favorite winter sport. I have written about snorkeling in Sian Ka’an, Mexico and on Oahu. Carpe Diem!

  • Great Rewards for Long Delay

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    Intro Being delayed is never fun, but it is nice that the European regulations will help you get reimbursed for the inconvenience. The rule is EC261/2004. Let me tell you about rewards for a long delay. What happened? Chaos A few years ago we travelled to Italy and flew back from Rome, all using points,…

    Pool with palms
  • Hope Springs Eternal: Social Distancing by Birding


    Social distancing by birding! Can’t travel to faraway places because of Covid19 StayHome advice? Tired of being stuck at home during this pandemic? Go birding! Get inspired by our spring birding pictures and then go out and take your own!

    Social distancing by birding! Can't travel to faraway places because of Covid19 #StayHome advice? Tired of being stuck at home during this #pandemic? Go birding! Get inspired by our spring birding pictures and then go out and take your own! It is spring! Nature will help grounding you. #Covid19 #birding #OurCarpeDiem
  • My Year Without Shopping

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    Intro Over the years I have gotten more and more overwhelmed with how much stuff I own. As a result, I have worked on decluttering and such. Sadly,  I definitely am not anywhere close to where I want to be. When I read My Year of No Shopping in the New York Times I decided…

    My Year Without Shopping: Instead travel to NYC!