Category: Connecticut

Connecticut is one of the 13 original colonies and part of New England. It has a long and rich history, which is showcased in the current Connecticut state Capitol in Hartford, Connecticut.

  • Discover Amazing and Fun Facts about the Connecticut Capitol

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    Facts about The Connecticut Capitol in Hartford! Did you know that Connecticut has a state heroine? And a possibly fake Civil War relic? Do you know who protects the Connecticut people? Find out where the expression “Sleep tight!” originated. Click on these fun and interesting Connecticut Capitol facts!

    Facts about The Connecticut Capitol! You too can be a winner at Jeopardy by learning all these interesting facts about the Connecticut State Capitol in Hartford. Did you know that Connecticut has a state heroine? And a possibly fake Civil War relic? Do you know who protects the Connecticut people? Find out where the expression “Sleep tight!” originated. Go and read these ten fun and interesting Connecticut Capitol facts! #travel #connecticut #capitol #funfacts #capital #OurCarpeDiem
  • Find the Best Fall Foliage in New England 2024

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    Fabulous Fall Foliage in New England New England has harsh winters, but also find the best fall foliage. October, when the leaves are turning, is the month that tends to attract the most “leaf peepers”. Find out the best places to visit #NewEngland ‘s #FallFoliage. Trees are turning, pumpkins and corn mazes are everywhere. Take…

    Fabulous Fall Foliage in New England New England has harsh winters, but also the best fall foliage. October, when the leaves are turning, is the month that tends to attract the most "leaf peepers". Find out the best places to visit #NewEngland ‘s #FallFoliage. Trees are turning, pumpkins and corn mazes are everywhere. Take a #roadtrip through the scenic landscape with mountains, lakes and woods. #OurCarpeDiem #bucketlist #Vermont #NewHampshire #RhodeIsland #Maine #Massachusetts #Connecticut