Did you know every state has a full-sized replica of the #LibertyBell ? Read the story behind these copy-cat bells and about our #quest to visit them all. Usually they are at the #StateCapitol or #StateHouse but of course there are exceptions. Of course it would be hard to visit them during our pandemic, but we can dream about #LifeAfterCovid and make a new #travel #bucketlist. Read all about Savings Bond Drive that inspired these liberty bell replicas. #OurCarpeDiem #TravelGuide #USAtravel #NationalHistory

State Liberty Bell Replicas: The Story and The Quest

On one of our state house visits, we noticed a full sized liberty bell replica which we could touch, unlike the “real” one in Philadelphia. When we found out there are these liberty bell replicas in every state, we wanted to visit them all.

liberty bell in Concord, NH

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What are these liberty bell replicas?

Three score and ten years ago, soon after World War II, as part of the Marshall Plan, the U.S. Department of the Treasury held a “Save For Your Independence” savings bond drive. To support the drive, they cast fifty-seven full-size replicas of the American Liberty Bell (one for each state and U.S. territory). Surprisingly enough, they used a bell foundry in Annency-le-Vieux, France.

Vermont State House

Why France you might ask? Go and read the long, well researched and fascinating story of the Packard Bell Foundry.

After every bell was cast and delivered to the US Treasury Department, they sent one to every state and territory. With the bells came the stipulation to display it on state capitol grounds and give free access to it. Most states followed these rules, but not all.

Usually the bells have a plaque reading


The dimensions and tone are identical with those of the original Liberty Bell when it rang out our independence in 1776.

In standing before this symbol you have the opportunity to dedicate yourself as did our founding fathers, to the principles of the individual freedom for which our nation stands.

Liberty Bell replica #42, Concord, NH

Every Liberty Bell Replica has a Serial Number

Soon after starting our quest to visit each state’s bell, we found out that each has a unique serial number. While not always easy to find, it promotes a close and hands-on examination of the bell. Usually we are successful. With the exception of the one in Juneau, Alaska, we have located and photographed all the ones we have been close to.

Bell number 45

In this table you can see which replicas we have visited so far with their serial numbers. The numbering scheme does not appear to be in any “sensible” order, e.g. entry into the union. Any ideas?

State Liberty BellSerial NumberLocation
New Hampshire42State House lawn, Concord
Vermont45Vermont History Museum, Montpelier, close to the Vermont State House.
Massachusetts10 50 30State House , Boston, not easy to access
Maine40State House lawn, Augusta
Connecticut26Inside the State Capitol, Hartford
Rhode Island37In the State Capitol, Providence
New York?Inside the State Education Building across the street from the Capitol, Albany
Washington3Tacoma, in a park close to the Chihuly Bridge of Glass.
Alaska?In front of the State Capitol in Juneau, we couldn’t find the number on the bell
St Thomas, US Virgin Islands51Emancipation Garden in Charlotte Amalie, capital of the US Virgin Islands
State Liberty Bell Serial Numbers and Locations

Our State Liberty Bell Quest

So far, as the treasury department requested, most of “our” liberty bells were at state capitols and state houses but of course some don’t comply and were not publicly accessible or not on the Capitol grounds. Here are some of our quest stories.

Washington state’s Liberty Bell Replica is in Tacoma

When we visited the Washington state capitol in Olympia, we were surprised we could not find the promised liberty bell replica. After some asking around, we found out theirs is in Tacoma, WA, but still freely accessible.

Washington Liberty Bell in Tacoma

Once we arrived in Tacoma, it still took us some time to find the bell. Eventually figure it out. This bell is in a lovely park, next to the Chihuly Bridge of Glass which you should visit for sure!

Massachusetts Locked Up their Liberty Bell

Although the Massachusetts liberty bell replica is on the grounds of their state house in Boston, it is almost impossible to visit it, let alone touch it. With lots of persistence and determination, we managed to get a picture, but it is disappointing they don’t grant easy access to this symbol of our independence, especially in Boston.

In addition to the Liberty Bell replica, go explore the Old State House when you are in Boston and find out the truth about the Boston Massacre.

Massahusetts Liberty Bell

July 4th 2020 Update: Rick Brock from a liberty bell page on facebook kindly gave us the correct number. Thank you, Rick!

Vermont Put their Bell in a Museum

After our visit to the Vermont state house, we visited our second Liberty Bell replica in the Vermont History Museum next door. Although not as hard to find as Massachusetts’ bell, it still took some inquiries and time before we located it. Turns out it was even harder to locate its serial number, but we did eventually find it.

Our Carpe Diem at the Vermont Liberty Bell

New York Didn’t Allow Access

In Albany we found another transgressor who didn’t allow public access. Their bell is inside the State Education Building across the street from the Capitol. Sadly, only people who work there can get into the building, so the best we could do was to take a picture from afar and unsuccessfully beg for access to it.

So close and yet so far away!

Back then they used to have weekly tours of the state education building, which included a visit to the liberty bell, but we don’t know if and when that will start up again.

St Thomas: Second Cruising Bell

When we tried to figure out how to visit the Alaska bell in Juneau, it turned out that the easiest and cheapest way was by going on an Alaska cruise! Not only did we get to see the state house and the bell, but we also spent time with rapidly decreasing glaciers in Glacier Bay National Park.

Since we enjoyed that cruise so much, we signed up for another one, this time in the Caribbean. Winters in New Hampshire are long and snowy, so the promised sun in the Caribbean was an easy sell. Even better, we got to visit St Thomas, which houses their Liberty Bell replica in Charlotte Amalie, the capital of the US Virgin Islands.

Let Freedom Ring in the US Virgin Islands

During that same cruise we were close to the replica in San Juan, Puerto Rico, but we didn’t have enough time to visit it. We will have to so on our next Caribbean cruise, I guess.

What is the Inscription on the Liberty Bell?

Since the bells are an exact copy, these replicas have the same inscription as the original one in Philadelpia.


Liberty Bell inscription

State Liberty Bell Replicas Conclusion

As always, we love having a reason to travel and learn about US and world history. Have you been to any of these replicas? Or even to the original liberty bell in Pennsylvania?

Maine State House in Augusta

More info to check out

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8 responses to “State Liberty Bell Replicas: The Story and The Quest”

  1. Hi Karen…Rick Brock from the Brock’s Liberty Bell Replica page on FB…. Massachusetts is number 30, not 50…we got in to see it this past fall. We are heading to Juneau in 2 weeks…hopefully we can find the number. According to a list we got at the Montana Historical Society, Alaska is bell 1.

    1. Hi Rick!
      Thanks for chiming in and letting us know the correct number. Y’all clearly must have been more convincing than we are, since they let you in 🙂
      Sorry for the late reply, somehow the plague has interrupted my normal work pattern and I have only recently started working on my blog again. I wonder whether you ever made it over to Alaska, will go check out your facebook page, but first wanted to finally reply! Very curious to see whether you can find Alaska’s number.

  2. Bob

    Hello, The Oregon State Capitol Foundation in partnership with the Oregon Legislative Administration just had our Liberty Bell replica restored by the Christoph Paccard Foundry in South Carolina. We will be relocating the Liberty Bell back in Willson Park which surrounds the Oregon State Capitol. On behalf of the Foundation we look forward to having you visit Oregon to see our Liberty Bell.

    1. Hi Bob,
      Cool, I am so happy you got it restored, so it will be back to its old glory. Looking forward to visiting once the plague is over. Thanks for telling us the good news!

  3. Karen, I just came across your site and enjoyed reading about your quest. Thanks for the links, and keep it up!

    1. Thanks Tom! When we started this quest I was so happy to discover your page and know that we are not the only ones on a slightly nerdy, but super fun quest like this! Looking forward to life after Covid to discover more bells, or hopefully sooner. Thanks for creating a great liberty bell resource! I love how you often find the stories behind the liberty bell replicas, like the Washington DC one(s?).

  4. Philip

    The replica in Texas is at Texas A&M University.

    “On July 5, 1950, Texas Governor Allan Shivers gave the state’s replica of the Liberty Bell to Texas A&M to thank and honor Aggies who served in World War II.

    While most Liberty Bell replicas hang in state capitol buildings, Gov. Shivers stated this bell belonged in Aggieland because, “No one suffered more than the Aggies, so we will give it to them.”

    Today, the bell is suspended in the rotunda of the Academic Building!”

    1. Thank you, Philip, for that information. I like the thoughtfulness of your then governor about a worthy place to put the liberty bell replica. I am looking forward to reading more about the Aggies and their World War II story and then visiting the A&M University Academy Building.


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