Tag: Nature

  • Love Coffee? Chocolate? Don Juan’s Is The Real McCoy


    Don Juan Coffee plantation in the Monteverde cloud forest in Costa Rica is a must-see. Or maybe we should call it a must-experience, taste and smell. A holistic tour getting you intimately acquainted with coffee, chocolate and sugar. Go find out!

    Don Juan Coffee plantation in the Monteverde cloud forest in Costa Rica is a must-see. A holistic tour getting you intimately acquainted with coffee, chocolate and sugar. What is a cloud forest? How does your coffee get from the tree to your cup? Why do we need mosquitoes to grow chocolate? Where does our sugar come from? Coffee beans, cocoa bean, sugar canes and more!
  • 2020 Hindsight: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


    How a travel blogger adapted to the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. Filled with ways to make the best out of a bad situation, including Corona sourdough, bird watching, local exploring. Read about 2020 finally being hindsight. Carpe Diem!

    How a travel blogger living with MS adapted to the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. Filled with ways to make the best out of a bad situation, including Corona sourdough, bird watching, local exploring. Read about 2020 finally being hindsight. Carpe Diem! #pandemic #OurCarpeDiem #LocalTravel #Covid19
  • Mill 180 Park and Abandoned Building Brewery

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    Mill 180 Park and Abandoned Building Brewery Looking for things to do in Easthampton, MA? Go check out this indoors urban park and some great craft breweries. Best travel destinations in the Pioneer Valley in #massachusetts. The world’s first indoor hydroponic park. Micro brewery with IPAs, stouts and hoppy american ales. Go relax in the…

    Mill 180 Park and Abandoned Building Brewery Looking for things to do in Easthampton, MA? Go check out this indoors urban park and some great craft breweries. Best travel destinations in the Pioneer Valley in #massachusetts. The world’s first indoor hydroponic park. Micro brewery with IPAs, stouts and hoppy american ales. #FreeThingsToDo #RainyDayActivities #breweries. Go relax in the park before you discover what’s on tap at the #Easthampton #brewery #OurCarpeDiem
  • Hope Springs Eternal: Social Distancing by Birding


    Social distancing by birding! Can’t travel to faraway places because of Covid19 StayHome advice? Tired of being stuck at home during this pandemic? Go birding! Get inspired by our spring birding pictures and then go out and take your own!

    Social distancing by birding! Can't travel to faraway places because of Covid19 #StayHome advice? Tired of being stuck at home during this #pandemic? Go birding! Get inspired by our spring birding pictures and then go out and take your own! It is spring! Nature will help grounding you. #Covid19 #birding #OurCarpeDiem