Incredible Travel Pictures Both Old and New!

Travel Pictures: Old and New Wanderlust and travel photography go together well. Ideas for pictures with a theme, Instagram worthy and fabulous images from all over the world. Birds, predators, beaches, California, and a rare sun halo. Go check out the best travel pictures from travel blogger #OurCarpeDiem Stunning hummingbirds, groovy geese, flamingos in the snow and much more. Get new inspiration for your #TravelPictures #photography #birding #WorldTraveler

During our trips, we always take many travel pictures. So I was thrilled to join a group by one of my friends where we post daily (in theory 🙂 ) our themed photographs. January theme usually is “Old and new”.

Travel picture: old and new.
Two hummingbirds flying to a hummingbird feeder with flowers. That is a new way of feeding, compared to the old way with flowers.

Although I loved coming up with good pictures, on facebook, all those photographs disappeared in a big black hole after a while. Therefore, I am using them for a series of posts with differently themed travel pictures and their stories. Enjoy our travels!

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Travel Photography: Old and New

Explore our travel photography from all over the world! A wide variety of interpretations of the Old and New Theme.

North East USA

Long Island: Mystery Geese or… Are They?

As you might have noticed, I love birding, so I am always excited to see new birds. Heck, I am excited about seeing any birds, even if I have seen them over and over. No wonder that one of my friends calls me a bird nerd.

So when I noticed these “mystery geese” in Long Island I got all excited. Yeah, I know, here they do look like swans because they are 😛

Mother swan swimming with her three babies. Travel photography old and new.
Mystery Geese

In my defense, during our first sighting, the mother wasn’t with them, so I convinced myself that they were geese. New and mysterious ones! The joys of discovering new bird species… Until I saw them the next day with their parent, a swan, and the mystery was solved. An old bird after all… Some birder I am!

Snow Man or Sand Man?

Sometimes we end up at home and dream about our tropical trips. That is when we dig up our old travel pictures.

My dream: sand sculpture of a snow man, next to a flamingo garden ornament in the snow
Old and new travel photography.
  • Old picture: December in Key West, Florida;
  • New picture: January snow in our backyard.

I guess I found out that I’d rather not be in New Hampshire in January! Last year we were able to avoid it, and hoping to do the same the upcoming year. Keep your fingers crossed

New Light / Old Lights or The Other Way Around?

  • “Old light” effects (Sun halo) The sun is around four and a half billion years old;
  • “New light” effects (traffic lights). In 186, the first ones showed up in London.

Once upon a time, we were heading to Maine and noticed this amazing rainbow.

Sun halo and traffic lights while traveling through New Hampshire
Travelpictures: old and new

After taking this picture, I suspected that this sun was a sun halo. In the past, I had seen a definite sun halo right over our house in New Hampshire.

Very clear sun halo in New Hampshire.
travel picture of a then new-to-me phenomenon. Old picture right from my own backyard.

After sending a picture of that day to The Halo Reports Blog (yes, there was such a thing), I got great feedback from one of their contributors:

Sun halo with explanation
Parhelic circle, circumscribed halo and 22 degrees halo

Nice display. You have 22 degrees halo, circumscribed halo and parhelic circle in your photos.

Jarmo Moilanen

If you have no idea what he is talking about (neither did I), go read more about this sun halo picture.

And it turns out it was a new halo with old traffic lights, so the old / new thing is all about perspective and point of view.

Frozen Fire Hydrant in New Hampshire

  • Old fashioned water in frozen form
  • New fangled RED fire hydrant for unfrozen water.
Red fire hydrant in a snowy park.
Travel pictures old and new

I love this picture because of the contrast between the red hydrant and the white world. On he other hand, I am soooo not a fan of snow.

Cape Cod: Spectacular Sun Rise

Travel picture of a new day with an old sun.

gull on a beach, ocean in the background.
Travel pictures themed old and new

Usually we watch the sun set, not the sun rise. But during our first vacation in Cape Cod, we managed to catch every single sun rise. Watching the gulls on the beach was very peaceful and a superb start to every day.

Pacific North West and California Dreaming

Glass Flowers in Seattle

So… we went bungee jumping off the Space Needle in Seattle!

Historic Space needle with new flowers. Travel pictures old and new.

We discovered Chihuly, a new to us glass blower artist, whose museum is right next to the Space Needle, which is “old” by now. When we visited late October there were still hummingbirds around to enjoy the flowers. Clearly their climate is a tad more moderate than New England’s.

Morning Yoga in San Diego

During a visit to our Californian family, we watched this old bird (western gull) in new location (San Diego harbor Island) practicing yoga during our breakfast

Travel pictures old and new : 
Western gull standing on one leg with harbor in the background.

While I wish this would have inspired me to do yoga, instead I just kept eating and enjoying the view over the harbor.

Lunch Time at the Hummingbird Nest

In California we noticed a motherly Anna’s hummingbird with two babies in her nest, feeding one of them. So happy we witnessed these at San Elijo Park in California. First time for me to observe how hummingbirds feed their young.

Hummingbird mother feeding one of her babies in a nest.
Travel pictures old and new

CAUTION HOT in California

Every time we visit California, I remember how much I love their beaches. The surfer guy in the background reminds me of my desire to learn to surf. Some day it will happen!

Gull next to a Caution Hot thingy, looking out over the beach and the Pacific Ocean. Travel  photography themed old and new

Newly identified bird (Western gull, according to Merlin bird id) at an Old Ocean (Pacific Ocean). During that time, I was working on trying to identify gulls. Still lots of room for improvement in that skill!

Florida Photography

Everglades: Groovy Gallinule

Because I grew up with moorhens in the Netherlands, I thought this gallinule in the Everglades was a moorhen who had dyed her feathers bright blue!

purple gallinule in the reeds
travel picture old bird, new clothes
Purple Gallinule

Turns out that y’all call this bird a gallinule which actually is derived from the latin word for chicken.

  • Old bird (waterhoentje) (literally “small water chicken”) in
  • New clothes (purple gallinule)


See You Later… (Tripping Hazard in the Everglades)

Old predator in a New-to-me National Park.
This was the alligator we almost tripped over while taking bird pictures in the Everglades

Ancient predator, the alligator, one of my old and new travel pictures.

South of Us and Europe

Whistling Ducks in Puerto Vallarta

New-to-me ducks in Puerto Vallarta, where we stayed for cheap, thanks to attending a time share presentation. These birds are black bellied whistling ducks.

Whistling ducks, sleeping quietly
Travel pictures old and new

They would swim right in front of our room, which was next to a scenic pond! I love the sounds they make, they really do whistle.

Old and New in Rome

This travel picture shows a modern bird on an ancient statue in Rome. When we are in Rome, we always visit Piazza Navona.

Sea gull on a statue in Rome
Travel pictures old and new

Bonus points if you recognize the statue or the bird! Let us know in the comments.


Where the Sky Was Born

New text on an old picture. Sian Ka’an UNESCO biosphere reserve close to Tulum in Mexico.

Pin for Sian Ka'an. Palm and ocean. Beautiful view.
Travel  photography: old and new.

When you are at the Riviera Maya, don’t miss the Sian Ka’an UNESCO biosphere.

Costa Rica: Muscovy Family

When we went to Costa Rica, we met so many amazing bird species.

Muscovy mama with her three  babies.
Travel pictures themed old and new
Muscovy Mommy

In San Juan, we watched this Old duck: Muscovy mama duck with her New babies. Did you know that Aztec rulers wore cloaks made from the feathers of these ducks? They believed that the muscovy duck was the totem animal of the Wind God, Ehecatl.

Conclusion of Travel Pictures: Old and New

As you can see, it is fun to come up with themed pictures. Or to look in your travel archive for pictures that can fit the theme. Have you ever participated in a themed picture challenge? What was your favorite theme? Let us know in the comments.

Other Themed Pictures


Pin Travel Pictures Old and New

Travel Pictures: Old and New
Wanderlust and travel photography go together well. Ideas for pictures with a theme, Instagram worthy and fabulous images from all over the world. Birds, predators, beaches, California, and a rare sun halo. Go check out the best travel pictures from travel blogger #OurCarpeDiem
Stunning hummingbirds, groovy geese, flamingos in the snow and much more. Get new inspiration for your #TravelPictures #photography #birding #WorldTraveler


14 responses to “Incredible Travel Pictures Both Old and New!”

  1. Adventure Aficionado Avatar

    Wow these are some really amazing pictures! I especially like the hummingbirds one – they are so majestic and you got a real nice one! The other one that caught my eye was the Cape Cod sunset, that seems like paradise.

    1. Karen Lanzetta Avatar

      Thank you! Every time I see these hummingbirds, I smile. Growing up in Europe, I never saw hummingbirds till I moved to the States. What a treat!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  2. Janelle Avatar

    The photo of the Muscovy mama with her babies looks adorable! We’ve explored Costa Rica twice and we always run into new exotic species of animals there. This was such a fun blog to read, thank you for sharing.

    1. Karen Lanzetta Avatar

      Thank you, Janelle. I remember your Costa Rica article on Jaco, I really enjoyed it. Glad you enjoyed our pictures, it was fun for us to re-live the memories.

  3. Jaya Avendel Avatar

    I love our cuddly, fluffy chicks when they hatch, but the ducklings are so sweet!
    The statue looks like Poseidon battling a kracken, with a seagull perched on his head? 🙂

    1. Karen Lanzetta Avatar

      Yes, ducklings are just as fluffy and cuddly as chicks 🙂 The statue is on Piazza Navona in Rome, part of the fountain of Neptune. It shows Neptune battling an octopus. The gull is ready to help him if needed 😀 😀

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

      1. Jaya Avendel Avatar

        Wow, I almost had that statue right!
        A pleasure to share my thoughts!

        1. Karen Lanzetta Avatar

          I am pretty sure Poseidon and Neptune, are the same gods, just one is his Roman name, the other is the Greek name. And since no one has ever seen what a kracken looks like, it might very well be the animal he is battling. So, I vote for you getting it totally right 😀 😀

          1. Jaya Avendel Avatar

            Hehe, that is true! Neptune is the Roman name. 🙂

  4. Glenn Avatar

    Great post!
    Same here, love taking LOTS of photos when travelling. Either share it or mostly save it on my hard drive.

    1. Karen Lanzetta Avatar

      I checked out your site, your photos are amazing! Keep sharing them with us. I loved seeing the Gardens by the Bay in Singapore during that festival with all the decorations.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. glowsteady Avatar

    I love the concept of this post, such a great way to revisit your photos. I loved the snowman one x


    1. Karen Lanzetta Avatar

      Thank you! The snow / sandman made me smile when we saw it in Key West 😀

  6. […] something to fight my MS. In addition, I was determined to figure out how to travel with Copaxone. We love traveling and I knew that I could figure out how to adjust now that I knew about my […]