Rubber ducky Flat Stanley watching a breeching whale statue in Vancouver BC

Kwek’s Amazing Alaska Adventures! Flat Stanley FTW

During our trips, we always take way too many travel pictures. So I was thrilled to join a group by one of my friends where we post daily (in theory 🙂 ) our themed photographs. Our theme was Flat Stanley so I decided on Kwek as my almost flat stanley. Read on and cruise vicariously to Alaska with us!

Yellow rubber ducky Kwek in a red rose.
Kwek never promised me a rose garden

Although I loved coming up with good pictures, on facebook, all those photographs disappeared in a big black hole after a while. Therefore, I am using them for a series of posts with differently themed travel pictures and their stories. Enjoy our travels!

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Who or What is Flat Stanley anyway?

Since you might not know who Flat Stanley is, here is a quick intro. In 1964, Jeff Brown wrote the original Flat Stanley book and it was a success. Stanley accidentally got squished and enjoyed the many advantages, including being mailed in an envelope to his friend in California.

30 Years later, Dale Hubert, a school teacher in Ontario, Canada, expanded the concept and started a letter-writing exchange project between school children. They would document all the places Flat Stanley had accompanied them around the world.

It encourages kids to keep writing during school vacations, and share their adventures with friends and family.

My Flat Stanley: Kwek, the Adventurous Alaska Travel Ducky

In the past I have used a hula hoop as my Flat Stanley and also my New York Public Library card. This time I decided to go with a cute rubber ducky who was swimming in my drink at 230 Fifth Rooftop Bar in New York City.

Kwek swimming in my drink with a blowup flamingo around her. 
Flat Stanley 2024 travel photo

Why Kwek, you might ask. Well, I grew up in the Netherlands with the “Donald Duck” weekly magazine and his nephews were called “Kwik, Kwek and Kwak”. Remembering my childhood literary friends made me decide on this perfect name for her!

Preparing for an Alaska Cruise

Since life is not all fun and games, I asked Kwek to help me weed the flower garden before we left on our cruise. Although Kwek was happy to be out among the flowers, she wasn’t as productive as I had hoped…

Kwek in our flower bed at home

Still, she was willing to pose for pictures, which was a good distraction from the weeding. Sadly, these particular petunias did not survive our Alaska cruise, so I am happy that we got this memory of them at the height of their beauty.

Kwek with her hibiscus
Flat Stanley OurCarpeDiem

Apart from weeding, we had to so some other travel prep. Not only packing is important, relaxation is too!

Connecticut River Rhapsody and Library Puzzle

Weeding is hard work, so we took some time off to have a nice picnic dinner at the nearby Connecticut River. When Kwek wanted to go swimming, we convinced her that it would be a loooong way to Alaska and she would enjoy flying there instead.

Kwek longingly staring at the Connecticut river Flat Stanley travel photo

I do most of my writing at the library, so Kwek got to visit. She was fascinated with the jigsaw puzzle and was able to put a few pieces together. We both hoped it would be done by the time we came back from the cruise. So distracting to have it right next to my computer there! Turns out both Kwek and I have no self control when a puzzles is involved…

Kwek working on a puzzle

When we couldn’t delay any longer we got around to packing for our Alaska cruise! Naturally Kwek supervised to make sure we wouldn’t forget anything important.

Kwek on top of my green backpack

Fun First Flight!

Finally it was time to depart our home and fly from Boston to Vancouver, BC. Kwek agreed that flying was a better idea than swimming although she still was a bit salty that we didn’t let her try the watery way.

Kwek looks out to an airplane on the tarmac

But she got lucky when we took the ferry! A totally unexpected Whale Show unfolded!

Humpback Whales Breeching Bonanza

On our ferry ride to Nanaimo to visit a friend, the captain excitedly told everyone “There is a pair of breeching whales giving an incredible show”

Rubber ducky Flat Stanley watching a breeching whale statue in Vancouver BC

Of course all the passengers started looking and Wow! what a show! One humback would breech high, flopping back down with a mighty splash. The other would go “Anything you can do, I can do better!” and breech higher. Not to be outdone, the first one would show off “Well, look at this one! I bet you can’t beat this!” Back and forth, they were breeching over and over.

Kwek on a ferry out of Vancouver. Flat Stanley travel photos

We soooo enjoyed the show and Kwek was super impressed by the size of these whales. But she also criticized their lack of actual flying, she claimed that she actually could fly much higher than those massive mammals…

Flat Stanley Alaska Cruise Adventures

The next day, we boarded the MS Noordam, and Kwek got to appreciate cruising life.

But First Beer!

What would be more natural than checking out the beer selection to celebrate Kwek’s first cruising experience?

Kwek with Alaska beer

Luckily there was a good selection of Alaskan Brewery beers, so she sipped her Icy Bay IPA and wondered what was for dessert. Yeah, she can be quite gluttonous at times!

Rubber ducky on Creme Brulee

Eagle Ecstacy

After all the good food, she asked whether we would see eagles anytime soon. Yes, she lucked out and got to see sooo many eagles! Sadly, none of them was willing to pose with Kwek, so we made do with one of the ship eagles 😀

Bald Eagle in tree top

Here is Kwek with her pet eagle…

Fluffy eagle with Kwek the rubber ducky Flat Stanley photo

Galloping Glacier…

I bet you have heard all the doom prediction about glaciers disappearing? Well, Kwek has good news for you! She learned that not all glaciers are in danger and she got to see the so-called Galloping Glacier, which is not only growing, but growing FAST! Not only is the Hubbard Glacier still growing, she also is North America’s largest tidewater glacier.

Kwek rubber ducky Flat Stanley at Hubbert glacier

This glacier is 76 miles long, 7 miles wide and 600 feet tall. It starts at Mt. Logan, the 2nd tallest mountain on the North American continent (19,850 ft) and flows out into Disenchantment Bay.

gull flying over glacier in Alaska

Although Kwek got to see a lot more glaciers on this cruise, she claims that this one was her favorite, because it moves so fast!

rubber ducky with Alaskan glacier in background

Gambling and Good Food

As always on a Holland America cruise, the food is excellent and Kwek enjoyed every single bite.

Rubber ducky with lemon tart in Alaska

She was hoping to get rich in the casino, but she ended up donating money to them instead. Oh well, maybe she will win big next time!

Kwek at casino slot machine in Alaska Flat Stanley photo

After all hope springs eternal!

Bear and Elephant in the Yukon

When we were at Skagway the first time we visited the Klondike Gold Rush National Park, but the second time we opted for an excursion to the Yukon. Kwek was very excited and enjoyed seeing glacial lakes with beautiful flowers.

Kwek at a lake in the Yukon
rubber ducky flat Stanley travel picture

On our way back to the boat, suddenly a black bear showed up! We made a quick u-turn and got to see them for a bit. Kwek wanted to go pet this cute baby, but our tour guide explained that might not be the brightest idea since mama bear can be quite fierce.

baby black bear in the Yukon

Soon we went back to the ship where Kwek discovered an elephant on our bed! She immediately jumped into his arms and snuggled with the elephant instead of the bear cub. Sometimes life asks for compromises.

Kwek with towel animal on cruise ship MS Noordam Flat Stanley Alaska photo


The End! The Cruise is Over but the Fun is not.

Although we disembarked the MS Noordam. we weren’t done yet. Kwek got to swim in a bird bath on Vancouver Island and to experience wine tastings in Oregon.

We Promised Kwek a Rose Garden. And a Liberty Bell!

If you ever find yourself in Portland, OR, go visit the public rose garden. When you arrive it is hard to choose whether the amazing fragrance or the visual display is more impressive. Kwek said they both rock!

Yellow rubber ducky Kwek in a red rose.
Kwek never promised me a rose garden

After we told Kwek about our Liberty Bell Quest, she insisted on finding the Oregon one. She wanted to ring the bell, but alas, the clapper was missing.

Liberty bell replica with Kwek, Flat Stanley

Once in a Lifetime: Walla Walla Onion Rings

Impeccable timing to be in Portland, just when the Walla Walla onions get harvested. There is only a few weeks window when you can get this exquisite delicacy so Kwek made sure to get some.

Rubber ducky in onion rings

Before this trip I never even had heard of Walla Walla onions, so I am glad Kwek introduced us to them. In addition, she found us a Dutch pannenkoeken restaurant!

Dutch Pannekoeken and Library Disappointment

Yes, you read that correctly. Real Dutch pannekoeken in Vancouver, BC! They even had stroop. Kwek recommends a visit to De Dutch!

Pannekoeken eating with Flat Stanley Kwek in Vancouver

Now the library… Kwek had soooo hoped that some one would have finished that puzzle but she was sorely disappointed. Just a tiny bit of progress had been made.

So she has been working on the puzzle since we came home and will be working on it for the next five months, unless a real puzzle expert steps in 😀

Flat Stanley kwek back from Alaska and finds an unfinished puzzle!


But frankly, who cares about a puzzle after one has seen bears, glaciers, whales, eagles and sea otters?!

What a Great Alaska Cruise for Kwek.

What an amazing adventures our Kwek had! Fun to get her take on the Alaska cruise and she has a few questions for you. Have you ever been on an Alaska cruise? Would you let her pet a baby bear? Please let her know in the comments! Bonus points if you have had Alaskan beer!

Learn more about Alaska.

Other Themed Travel Pictures
