Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail: Strong Focus On Whales and Epic Views

The Makapu’u Lighthouse trail is one of the most popular hikes on Oahu, Hawai’i. How hard is the hike? What is the history of the lighthouse? How long is the trail? Can you really see humpback whales from the shore? The trail has epic views! Find out what a Fresnel lens is. What to expect if you are not as fit as the average bear or suffer from a chronic illness like MS. The #sunset was amazing! #OurCarpeDiem #Hawaii #hiking #multiplesclerosis #chronicillness #spoonie #makapuu

Why is the Makapu’u lighthouse trail so popular? Find out what to expect on the trail and learn fun lighthouse facts. Do you know what a Fresnel lens is? Read on!

This post was updated and rewritten in 2022.

The start of the Makapu'u Lighthouse trail on Oahu
Looks easy enough, eh?

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Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail

If you are looking for epic views, the Makapu’u lighthouse hike is a good candidate. Known also as Kaiwi Scenic Shoreline Trail, you can see Koko Head, Molokai, Lanai, and the eastern coast of the island. Actually, the lighthouse marks the most eastern point on Oahu.

Great views of the ocean and the mountains from the Makapu'u Lighthouse trail
Good views

Is the Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail Easy?

After my successful MS challenge at Diamond Head and a differently successful one at Manoa Falls, we decided that the Makapu’u Lighthouse trail sounded doable. Yeah, I know, I am an optimist.

In theory, it is a relatively easy trail for people who are in good physical shape. Easy as in

  • The trail is fully paved;
  • “Only” one mile to the top (500 ft elevation gain) (two mile roundtrip);
  • The views are so amazing that you forget about any physical hardship;
  • Whales! OK, they don’t make it easy, but hey, hard to justify missing out on these gentle giants;
  • There are places to sit and enjoy the views along the trail;
  • At the end you get rewarded with an extensive view featuring the Makapuu Light House.
Karen with her trusty hiking poles at the start of the Makapuu light house trail
Ready for the hike!If

Just in case, I brought my trusty hiking poles, figuring I would get less tired, but I would be fine if I took my time. Carpe Diem! Because there is a case to be made that the trail is not particularly easy…

Is the Makau’u Lighthouse Hike Hard?

Well, the Hawaii Division of State Parks labels this Makapu’u Point Lighthouse Trail” as a “Moderate” difficulty. They describe the terrain as “hot, dry slopes” and recommend two hours for an average round trip.

  • Two miles round trip is a lot if you are out of shape or have disability issues, like MS or another invisible illness;
  • 500 feet elevation gain means you need good stamina and the ability to confidently go downhill after you are already tired from the uphill;
  • The trail is usually sunny and hot;
  • Oftentimes it is very windy at the summit;

Is the Makapuu Lighthouse Trail ADA Accessible?

Technically yes, this trail is fully ADA accessible because it is paved all the way. Just be aware that two miles can be a long hike and that going downhill often is harder than going uphill. The good news is that you don’t have to go all the way up to get to the views.

Rocks sticking out of the ocean water
Makapu'u Lighthouse Trail has epic views

After about 500 feet you reach the first viewing platform, so that you get rewarded for your hard work. With my walking disability due to MS I could reach the great views, but I didn’t make it to the summit.

Fun Facts about the Makapu’u Lighthouse

According to Hawaiian legend, Makapuu was the home of a goddess with shining eyes. So it is a perfect location for a lighthouse. In 1909 they constructed this lighthouse as a guiding signal for sailors to reach the Hawaiian coast.

Although the lighthouse is only 46 feet tall, it has such a bright light that it can be seen 28 miles out to sea. In 1977 the National Park Service put this lighthouse on the National Register of Historic Places

Easternmost Point on Oahu

Makapu’u lighthouse marks the easternmost point on Oahu, so it is an excellent location to watch the sunrise. Our visit worked out to coincide with sunset instead.

Sunset at Makapuu lighthouse trail

The Largest Fresnel Lens in the USA

Makapuʻu Point Light on the island of Oʻahu has the largest Fresnel lens in the USA. At first, I had no clue what a Fresnel lens was.

After some research I found out that the French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel (pronounced “Fre-NEL”) discovered a nifty way to flatten a thick and heavy lens. I really liked this visual explanation:

In addition to lighthouses, the Fresnel lens is used in car lights, theater lights and many more.

Can You See Whales from the Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail?

Yes, so bring binoculars! When I heard that there could be whales in addition to the views, I was sold on this trail. And indeed there were whales. We didn’t see them breach but we did see them spout. What a treat!

Two whales, one spouting, seen from the Makapu'u Lighthouse trail

When is the Best Time to see Whales from Makapu’u Point?

From December through April, humpback whales migrate from Alaska to the warm waters of Hawaii. Enjoying their tropical vacation, they mate, give birth, and care for their newborn calves.

Our Experience on the Trail

Indeed it was paved and there were views, bu I had not been paying as much attention to the ‘uphill all the way’ part of the description. Or at least I wasn’t willing to admit my feebleness. As long as I wanted it badly enough, it should be fine, right?


Kikaha ka 'iwa i ka pali
The 'iwa soars to the cliff. 

Great frigatebird
Maybe next time


Hiking the Trail with a Walking Disability

But, my disappointment was quickly forgotten when we came to the part of the path where there were viewing points and I could sit and watch whales! Spouting and swimming right there. It still amazes me that we could see them right from shore.

Sure they were pretty far away, but still! What a treat! I decided I didn’t really care about hiking the whole trail anymore, since I already had gotten to the awesome part with the whale show.

A sanctuary for Kohola - humpback whales on Makapuu lighthouse trail

The viewing platforms are very well done, with all kinds of good information. Our favorite bird, the magnificent frigate, can be seen here. Of course we never saw any, but it is still nice to know that they are around.

After sitting around for a bit, we hiked on, sat more, and watched more whales, until I decided that it was time to quit walking. After all, I wanted to be able to hike down still.

telescopes for better whale watching

Tom hiked on to see what else lay ahead and eventually reached the lighthouse viewing spot. Going that far would have been too much for me that day.

Looking down on Makapu'u lighthouse when hiking the trail
Makapu’u Lighthouse

Sunset at the Lighthouse Trail

So I sat, rested and enjoyed nature, whales, people and the start of the sunset. And what a sunset it was! The trail is an excellent viewpoint to see the sun go down and the sky light up. Slowly, the colors started changing.

Sunset at the Makapu'u light house trail

It progressed with stunning effects, the sky looked afire. What an unexpected treat. Well, we knew the sun would go down eventually, we just hadn’t realized what a superior vantage point we would have.

Sunset views from Makapu'u Lighthouse trail

We took so many pictures, but eventually I realized that if the sun was going down, there was a good possibility that it would get dark soon after.

Yet another epic view over the water while hiking the Makapu'u light house trail.

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend…

Maybe it shouldn’t have been a surprise that hiking in the dark with MS is really, really hard. Even with my poles, I still needed Tom’s support. Basically, the timing of our hike was totally off! Still, this hike was worth every single hardship. Nothing can beat seeing whales.

Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail Conclusion

If you wonder whether this hike is worth it, my answer is a whole hearted yes. Go for it! Just be aware that it might be harder than you expected and plan accordingly.

Have you been to this trail? How did you like it? Do you know any other easy hikes on Hawai’i? Please share in the comments.


Don’t Skip Pearl Harbor!

Other Epic Things To Do on Oahu

Whale Watching around the World

Sharing some other places to watch whales:

Pin Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail

The Makapu’u Lighthouse trail is one of the most popular hikes on Oahu, Hawai’i. How hard is the hike? What is the history of the lighthouse? How long is the trail? Can you really see humpback whales from the shore? The trail has epic views! Find out what a Fresnel lens is. 
What to expect if you are not as fit as the average bear or suffer from a chronic illness like MS. The #sunset was amazing! #OurCarpeDiem #Hawaii #hiking #multiplesclerosis #chronicillness #spoonie #makapuu
The Makapu’u Lighthouse trail is one of the most popular hikes on Oahu, Hawai’i. What to expect if you are not as fit as the average bear or suffer from a chronic illness. Even with my #MS and consequent #fatigue and #balance-issues I was able to hike part of the way and really appreciate the views and the #whales. The #sunset was amazing! #OurCarpeDiem #Hawaii #hiking #multiplesclerosis #chronicillness #spoonie #makapuu


10 responses to “Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail: Strong Focus On Whales and Epic Views”

  1. Nancy Mulligan (@30days30ways) Avatar

    What a great inspiration you are. What a great challenge you conquered. The pictures are amazing and I’m sure the memories are priceless!

    1. Karen Lanzetta Avatar

      Thank you, Nancy! I am happy to share my stories with the world and so glad that people are enjoying them. I loved every moment while living it, and re-love it every time I remember, write and re-read. <3

      1. Anita Avatar

        Karen, you’re awesome 😉

        1. Karen Lanzetta Avatar

          Dank je, Anita. Ik doe mijn best 😀

  2. […] Hiking the Makapu’u Light House trail in Hawai’i. I failed gloriously and there were whales. […]

  3. […] were back to the hotel early enough that we had enough time to hike Makapu’u light house that night and saw […]

  4. […] Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail: Whales for the Win; […]

  5. […] get a lovely view of the Makapu’u light house. The light house was built in 1909 and has the largest lens of any lighthouse in the United […]

  6. Sarah Avatar

    Hawai’i is a place I would love to visit one day. I honestly never really considered it as a hiking destination, but seeing this, I think it would be a beautiful place to hike. It’s great that the trail is fully paved, but I can see how the hills would be a challenge for many. It’s neat that you have a chance of seeing whales while on the trail as well. Hopefully, I can visit there one day.

    1. Karen Lanzetta Avatar

      Glad I opened your eyes to Hawai’i as a hiking destination . There is so much amazing nature there, hope you will make it some day!
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!